Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Working with XML files



We have three types of the xml transformations and they are listed below:

XML Source Qualifier Transformation: You can add an XML Source Qualifier transformation to a mapping by dragging an XML source definition to the Mapping Designer workspace or by manually creating one.

clip_image001 We can link one XML source definition to one XML Source Qualifier transformation.

clip_image001[1] We cannot link ports from more than one group in an XML Source Qualifier transformation to ports in the same target transformation.

XML Parser Transformation: The XML Parser transformation lets you extract XML data from messaging systems, such as TIBCO or MQ Series, and from other sources, such as files or databases.

clip_image001[2] Used when we need to extract XML data from a TIBCO source and pass the data to relational targets.

clip_image001[3] The XML Parser transformation reads XML data from a single input port and writes data to one or more output ports.

XML Generator Transformation: The XML Generator transformation lets you read data from messaging systems, such as TIBCO and MQ Series, or from other sources, such as files or databases.

clip_image001[4] Used when we need to extract data from relational sources and passes XML data to targets.

clip_image001[5] The XML Generator transformation accepts data from multiple ports and writes XML through a single output port.

Stage 1 (Oracle to XML)

clip_image001[6] We are gonna generate an xml file as output with the oracle emp table as source.

Step 1: Generate the XML target file.

  • Import the same emp table as source table
  • Go the targets and click on import the XML definition.
  • Later choose the Non XML source from the left hand pane.
  • Move the emp table (source table) from all sources to the Selected Sources.
  • After which, we got to click on open to have the target table in the target designer.
  • Sequential Steps to generate the xml target table is shown in below snap shots.


Fig a: Importing the XML definition


Fig b: stage 1 for generating file just got to click on OK in this window.


Fig c: Here specify the name for the target table and click next.


Fig d: finally we got to click on Finish in this window.

Step 2: Design the mapping, connect the SQ straight away to the target table.


  • Create the name of the mapping as per the naming convention.
  • Save the changes.

Step 3: Create task and the work flow.


  • Double click on the work flow and go to the mapping tab and here we got to specify the output file directory. (C :/) ….
  • Run the work flow ,check in the C drive and look for an file by name emp.xml …

Stage 2 (XML to Oracle)

clip_image001[7] Here source is gonna be the xml file and the target file is the oracle file.

Step 1: Importing the source xml file and import the target transformation.

  • Go the sources and click on the import XML definition.
  • Browse for the emp.xml file and open the same.
  • The first three windows are gonna be same as in previous case.
  • Target table is gonna be the same EMP table.

Step 2: Design the mapping.

  • Connections for this mapping is gonna be the following way.


  • Save the mapping.

Step 3: Create the task and work flow.

  • Create the task and the work flow using the naming conventions.
  • Go to the mappings tab and click on the Source on the left hand pane to specify the path for the input file.


Step 4: Preview the output on the target table.


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